The labuor market is extremely dynamic these days. It requires acquiring new skills and their constant improvement. We can’t afford indifference to these factors, that’s why we provide vocational training and vocational training courses.
The Work4All Foundation organises vocational training and vocational training courses, financed by EU funds under the European Social Fund. If our contractor requires paid courses necessary for specific contracts, we provide them as well. The use of EU funds to improve the professional qualifications of workers, their professional reorientation and the growth of professional mobility- all of these harmonise with the European Commission's (EC) Strategy "EUROPE 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable growth and social inclusion".
If there is a need for larger teams of highly qualified physical workers, we provide professional training (both theoretical and practical) in order to prepare them for the task. With this type of training, we provide our own trainers and experienced staff which allows us to flexibly adapt the human resources of our Polish partners to the needs of the Danish labour market and to organise tailor-made training courses.
We invest in people because we believe that...
Every business starts with people!